The baby’s arrival is one of the most beautiful moments in the life of new parents, but it also brings lots of new things to learn together. In the early weeks of the newborn’s life, the main focus should be on creating a strong bond between you and your little one. And indoor games can greatly help with that. Here are 10 great activities for babies that can be done at home to stimulate your newborn’s development.
1. Skin-to-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin contact, also called “kangaroo care,” is a practice where you hold your baby close to your chest, skin touching skin. This basic yet effective activity presents several advantages to the baby and the parent.
The “kangaroo care” helps the parent to bond with the newborn child. The warmth of the parent, their heartbeat, and their smell affect the baby’s feeling comfortable and safe. Frequent skin-to-skin interactions also play a crucial role in controlling the newborn’s temperature, respiratory rate, and heart rate.
To practice skin-to-skin contact safely, make sure that the baby is naked, except for a diaper. Position your little one upright against your chest with your arms wrapped around him or her. Drape a thin sheet over the baby’s back, and you can wear a soft robe or shirt to maintain privacy. Kangaroo can be practiced by either parent and should be done for at least one hour daily.
2. Reading Books

It’s never too early to introduce your newborn to the magical world of books. The benefits of reading to newborn babies include language development and building a strong parent-child bond.
When selecting books for your newborn, opt for sturdy board books or cloth books. Pick ones with simple images and bright colors. Babies are naturally drawn to contrasting visuals and respond well to repetitive sounds and rhythms.
Use different voices and facial expressions to make the reading time more interesting. Point to the pictures and describe them in simple terms. This way, your baby may follow along with their eyes. Re-reading the same books to your little one brings such benefits as familiarization with the stories and sounds, which is crucial in language development.
3. Singing and Talking

Introduce your child to language right from birth in order to improve their cognitive and language development. Sing lullabies and simple songs to your baby as they can soothe your little one as well as introduce patterns of speech.
Apart from singing, talk to your newborn and explain what you are doing and what is happening around him or her. Be calm when interacting with the baby. Make eye contact when doing so. Respond to their coos and babbles to invite your newborn into a “conversation.”
Communicating with your baby through singing and talking not only promotes the child’s language skills but also helps to enhance the parent-child relationship. These activities can be flawlessly integrated into your daily schedule, for instance, during diaper changes or feeding time.
4. Tummy Time

Tummy time is a substantial activity for your newborn’s physical development. It entails putting your baby on their stomach for short periods while closely supervising them. This tummy-down position assists in strengthening the baby’s neck and shoulders, avoids flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly), and promotes motor skills.
It might be difficult at first for the baby to lay flat on their tummy. So you should start implementing the tummy time as soon as possible and increase the time spent gradually. Start with 5-10 minutes, play several times a day, and gradually work up to longer sessions.
To make tummy time at the nursery enjoyable for your newborn, put him or her on a clean flat surface, preferably a colorful playmat or blanket. To help your baby lift their head and interact with you, try using baby toys, singing, or even showing your face and speaking to them. Try playing peek-a-boo and see the child's reaction. Tummy time should always be closely monitored, and you must never leave your little one unattended while on the tummy.
5. Baby Massage

Massage is a wonderful caring process that can bring a lot of advantages to your baby. The process can help to calm the little one down or make them sleep better. Massage also promotes their digestion and helps with gas relief.
When performing the massage, your hands should be warm, and the baby must feel comfortable and relaxed. Use an oil or lotion that is gentle and has no scent to avoid skin inflammation. Start with gentle tapping on the baby’s legs, arms, and back. Gradually apply more pressure as the baby responds well.
Use gentle stretches and flexing movements during the massage to improve your newborn’s muscles and joint development. Be attentive to your baby’s signals and slow down or increase the pressure if necessary. Wrap your newborn in a blanket after the session to keep those warm soothing feelings for long.
Baby massage is not only good for the child’s physical development but also helps in creating a strong relationship with the baby. It helps establish a relaxing atmosphere for parent-child bonding and can turn into a wonderful tradition in your everyday life.
6. Sensory Play

Babies are always exploring the world around them through their sense organs. Sensory play activities can be quite helpful in the development of your baby’s cognitive and sensory processes.
One simple sensory activity to consider is introducing your baby to a variety of textures. Give them age-appropriate toys made of different materials - wood, plastic, fabric - and of different textures. Encourage your baby to explore these objects by gently guiding their hands or feet over the surfaces.
Auditory stimulation can also be added by using toys that make sounds (rattles). For budget-friendly options, use a shaker filled with rice or beads. Soft noises and vibrations can easily grab your newborn’s attention and encourage further exploration of their environment.
7. Baby Yoga

Baby yoga is a form of exercise that requires gentle movements. It can offer several benefits for babies, such as better sleep, proper digestion, and relaxation. Yoga for newborns involves simple exercises that include stretches and supported backbends. These poses can be useful in reducing gas, increasing flexibility, and building muscles.
Yoga exercises should be done in a safe environment, with the baby lying on a soft mat or a newborn blanket. Move slowly and gently, narrating each pose and movement to your baby. Pay close attention to your newborn’s cues. Avoid any positions that may cause discomfort or distress.
Baby yoga can be a special bonding time that you will spend with your little one. Play soft music in the background or use a soothing voice to sing a lullaby when practicing baby yoga.
8. Baby Sign Language

Teaching your newborn baby sign language can help your child in the development of language skills. Baby sign language is the act of making simple hand gestures and signs to explain simple needs like “milk,” “more,” or “sleep.”
This way, you can help your little one establish some form of communication before they are able to speak full sentences. This can help save time and improve your relationship with your baby since both of you will understand each other better.
Begin with basic signs like “milk,” “eat,” and “more,” which should be practiced at the time of feeding or playing. Each sign should be repeated and spoken out loud to ensure that the child understands the connection between the sign and the word being used. Give your baby some time so they get what you want from them.
Using baby sign language as a part of your communication process can be an entertaining and stimulating activity for your baby. Help your child to imitate the signs and celebrate their efforts even if they are not yet accurate.
9. Outdoor Time

While newborns should avoid harsh weather conditions and direct sunlight, they can still benefit from outdoor activities. Natural light and fresh air are good for developing a healthy sleep cycle and also offer sensory engagement for your child.
Take your baby for a stroll in a park or in a quiet neighborhood. The gentle rocking motion and exposure to different sounds can be soothing for your newborn.
Another option is to organize a picnic, for instance, in a backyard or a park where there are trees to cover from direct sunlight. Lay out a blanket and introduce your newborn to different outdoor elements, like the sounds of birds or the gentle breeze.
If you are taking your newborn out in the outside environment, there are some precautions that you should take. Dress your baby in lightweight breathable clothing. Use a sun hat and sunscreen (for babies over six months old) and provide adequate hydration. Always supervise your newborn closely and avoid areas with potential hazards or excessive noise.
10. Bathtime Fun

Bathing your newborn is good for cleanliness and hygiene. It can also be a way to have fun and explore with the senses.
When washing your baby, make sure the water is comfortably warm. Use a soft and clean towel or a bath sponge and non-scented baby soap. Speak softly to your baby throughout the process and maintain physical contact to help them feel secure.
For more fun, parents can provide age-appropriate toys that are bathtub-friendly. For example, consider colorful cups or a bathbook. These toys can help to develop your newborn’s senses and also encourage exploration at an early age. Also, sing simple songs during the bathtime to make it more familiar and relaxing for the child.
When your baby is done with the bath, you should dry him/her using a soft towel. This skin-to-skin contact and gentle touch can also help foster bonding between you two.
Welcoming a newborn into your family is a precious life-changing experience. By engaging in simple age-appropriate activities at home, you establish a solid parent-child relationship to help your little one develop in a safe home environment.
From skin-to-skin contact to tummy play, each activity brings its own value for both bonding and learning. Enjoy this special time with your newborn, and find activities that are most appealing to your baby.