
Can Newborns Swim?
After a baby arrival, new parents wonder what is the perfect time to introduce their little ones to the world of swimming. It is important that they will know how to behave themselves in the aquati...

How Long Does Newborn Stage Last?
Watching your baby grow up is fascinating, and you want to get the most out of each milestone. For a newcomer parent, it’s natural to wonder, how long is the newborn stage? It brings specific “feat...

How Long to Swaddle a Baby Per Day?
Swaddling is a popular technique for soothing babies. New parents may be puzzled about how to do it properly and for how long. To get the most out of swaddling, let’s get the hang of the proper tec...

When Can Newborns Go Outside?
Once parents welcome a new little one into their lives, routine duties arise at the top of the agenda. The outside world opens new adventures for newborns, but is it really safe for them? The main ...